Roth IRA Comparison Calculator

This calculator can help you decide whether the Roth IRA would provide an advantage over a deductible IRA for your own situation. The first section, which is optional, handles the conversion of an existing IRA to a Roth IRA.The other entries deal with future contributions. The results show the post-tax annual income you would have with each IRA.

Conversion of Existing IRA
Current IRA Balance: $
Source of Taxes Due on Conversion: * Funds outside my IRA Funds from my IRA
Future Contributions
Total Annual Contributions(including non-sheltered contributions): ** $
IRA Contribution Limit: $
Your Investment and Taxes
Years until Retirement:
Years to make Withdrawals:
Investment Rate of Return: %
Tax Bracket
    pre-retirement: %
    during retirement: %
Results: Annual Withdrawals available during Retirement
Deductible IRA: $
Roth IRA: $