Seniors Buying Vacation Timeshares


Filed under Travel & Leisure

Let’s face the facts: gone are the days of Motel 6 having a price close to$6 a night or of a Super 8 being not only super, but close to $8 a night. Even our Holiday Inn had humble beginnings and today’s fancy coffee drinks at Starbucks often exceeds the price of an original night at a Holiday Inn. We don’t have the crystal ball on inflation and future vacationing, but we do know that our seniors who want to enjoy the high quality vacations for themselves, with friends, and loved ones, could greatly benefit by having an ownership plan whether vacation ownership or a timeshare to set the future costs with today’s dollars.

With vacation ownership and timeshare, seniors are not sacrificing quality because of money. They get to stay in quality resorts instead of looking for bargain hotels to give their money away to. Seniors can understand own since most have owned homes or cars already. They also understand the idea of getting the ownership paid off and still having an asse for continual enjoyment that can become part of their estate or sold. Ownership gives them more options.

Seniors are looking for programs for programs that offer a variety of travel choices and flexibility. Why is flexibility an important factor to be considered in an ownership? Easy.. As we get older, we find that most of us have more doctor appointments than we were younger. Many life situations crop up that require our attention. By a flexible program, I mean a program that does not require the buyer of the vacation to lock in to a specific week for their vacation every year, in a set sized condo, at only one specific resort.

Flexibility can also be important in reservation planning for vacations. Seniors like to options for flexible planning. Many people make advance reservations to solidify their goals and make plans, yet if something happens to themselves or others in their family, they need a program that can be flexible with options on re-arranging those plans.

Timing and number of days available to vacation are usually different in the senior years. Many people in retirement are no longer working at a full-time job, but to keep active and to supplement income or cover insurance needs, many seniors are working part-time and still need to have flexible vacation planning options.

Seniors are asking for programs which will allow them to be with others on vacation as compared to being by themselves. If someone has lost their partner, or never married, there is comfort, and enjoyment, and a feeling of security when in a group. Some of the vacation ownership companies have programs which arrange group travel and this is a huge plus.

When we ask many of the seniors who visit about what they’ve experienced in vacation and travel, we find that for those who have a dream to visit someplace special while alive, the motivation to get started and to have those experiences can be stronger than in earlier years because of the realization that we’re getting older every day.

One of the most exciting concepts of vacation ownership and timeshare is the ability to share the vacation experiences with loved ones and to have another asset to leave as a legacy for loved ones in the future. My family will have my ownership when I pass, but I made it clear to them to please enjoy while I’m here to see you having fun, don’t wait for me to go to get started enjoying life. I enjoy great pleasures giving gifts of vacation for the family milestones such a college graduation, weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, and celebrating the birth of new grandchildren, and great grandchildren.

Seniors should take a vacation ownership or timeshare presentation with an open mind and heart to determine if owning would help them make their Golden Years “glitter.

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